Mark Johnson joined the St. Croix Electric Cooperative team on Oct. 1 as Member Services Manager. As the primary member service contact, he leads our Member Services Team in developing, promoting, and communicating the co-op’s programs, products and services to our members and customers, the general public and employees through various media and personal contact.
“It’s been a good first month learning what SCEC offers to our member-owners and to the community,” Mark reports. "I’m excited to work with co-op staff and members to update current programs and policies and to develop new ones to best fit the needs of our members and the communities where they live and work.”
Mark relocated from west-central Minnesota to the east side of Hudson after spending seven years as a Member Services Representative at Minnesota Valley Cooperative Light & Power Association in Montevideo.
With a degree in n Finance from Minnesota State University – Mankato, Mark comes to SCEC with co-op experience both in the office and in the field: “It was a small co-op, so I wore a lot of different hats.”
Mark grew up knowing co-ops: His father, now General Manager at Agralite Electric Cooperative in Benson, Minn., has worked at co-ops since Mark was born. The co-ops Mark knows and worked at differ from SCEC in one way: Density. Being part of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area, SCEC powers more members per mile of line than the co-ops on the other side of Minnesota.
"This area still has the small-town feel I'm used to, but I like how it's closely located to the Cities with lots going on," he said. "I think both St. Croix Electric Cooperative and the St. Croix County community will be a good fit for me."