Right of first refusal. We need your support!
The Right of First Refusal (ROFR) Bill will be introduced again this legislative session. This legislation has become a focus for our utility. ROFR prioritizes local transmission utilities over out-of-state utilities for projects within Wisconsin. If the ROFR Bill is passed, it would give Dairyland Power, Xcel Energy, and ATC the right to construct and own the transmission lines in the state and receive the revenue from the transmission of electricity across them. Without ROFR, an out-of-state transmission company could build the line, which our local utilities are partially responsible for paying for through the MISO grid, but would not receive the revenue from the electricity that runs through it. All expenses, no return.
We are asking our members to reach out to our Legislators to consider the benefits of ROFR and ask them to take care of our Wisconsin residents first. The revenue generated from having partial ownership in these lines directly affects the rates of our members in the long term. Now more than ever, we need to take care of our own interests and needs. What works for big cities and coastal states may not work for us in rural Wisconsin. That is why we need to take advantage of opportunities that affect us locally. Please consider voicing your support for ROFR to protect our local utilities.
Collectively across the 24 electric cooperatives in Wisconsin, every member’s voice makes a difference. If we stand together, we can persuade our Legislators to consider our needs when they vote for Bills that affect us all within the state. Every piece of legislation, every opportunity to strengthen our grid and every opportunity to ensure reliability and affordability benefits our Cooperative now and into the future.
We need support from you, our members, to pass ROFR through the assembly and senate. We ask you call or email you senator and representative with the message below:
Subject: Keep My Electric Bill Affordable—Support ROFR
“As a member of my electric cooperative and your constituent, please support the Right of First Refusal (ROFR) legislation. State oversight and bidding requirements ensure that projects will be both necessary and cost effective. When my co-op’s transmission provider is a project partner, I benefit from their participation. Investment returns will be shared with my not-for-profit co-op to keep my electric rates lower when transmission lines are built.”
Below is a list of the Senators and Representatives from our area. You can also find your elected officials by going to maps.legis.wisconsin.gov/.
- Sen. Rob Stafsholt (Senate District 10) 608-266-7745 | Sen.Stafsholt@legis.wisconsin.gov
- Rep. Rob Kreibich (Assembly District 28) 608-237-9128 | Rep.Kreibich@legis.wisconsin.gov
- Rep. Treig E. Pronschinske (AD 29) 608-237-9129 | Rep.Pronschinske@legis.wisconsin.gov
- Rep. Shannon Zimmerman (AD 30) 608-237-9130 | Rep.Zimmerman@legis.wisconsin.gov
Your voice matters! ROFR legislation is the best tool to build transmission projects in our state that will be both cost-effective and time-efficient for the benefit of our members. You can find more information on our website scecnet.net.
Want to learn more? Please read the following articles:
The Time for Engagement is Now | Wisconsin Electric Cooperative News