Our members could take St. Croix Electric Cooperative’s 2018 Chevrolet Bolt EV, or 2022 Ford Lightning EV truck, both fully electric vehicles, out for a spin (or two or three …) for a whole weekend in October!
To celebrate National Co-op Month in October, we are offering members the chance to enter a drawing to take home (or to the road) your choice of either the Bolt or the Lightning.
The lucky winners must be able to pick up the vehicle from the SCEC office in Hammond on Friday of their weekend between 1 and 4 p.m. and return it between 7:30 and 9 a.m. the following Monday.
Other details to consider:
You must pose for a photo upon pick-up.
You must agree to submit a brief recap of your DrivEV Weekend.
Ways to enter the drawing:
Click here and fill out the form under Enter to Win a DrivEV Weekend in October 2023
Fill out the form found in your September 2023 issue of Energy Lifestyles Magazine and mail to St. Croix Electric Cooperative, PO Box 160, Hammond, WI 54015 or drop in the dropbox outside our office: 1925 Ridgeway St., Hammond.
The small print:
One entry per membership; pick-up can be done by anyone whose name is on the account. Previous DrivEV Weekend winners are not eligible.
Must present valid driver’s license when picking up.
Indicate only those weekends you are available to meet the pick-up and drop-off deadlines. Each weekend will be drawn separately from the pool of members available for the specific dates.
Deadline: Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023.
Other restrictions may apply.