The 2023 District Election Ballots have been mailed to members in District 3. Please take a moment to read the statements below to learn about each candidate.
District 3 Candidate Statements:

District 3 Incumbent
SCEC Member: 47 Years
District 3 Director John Collins and his wife Anne have lived in the Hudson area for 51 years, where they raised two children, Geoffrey and Margaret. Collins attended Ames High School in Ames, Iowa and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Iowa State University and a Master of Science and PhD in computer science from the University of Minnesota. Collins was employed at 3M for 28 years in product development and corporate research. He has also been an independent software engineering consultant for five years, and a member of the University of Minnesota Computer Science faculty for 11 years teaching and directing the professional Masters program in Software Engineering. Collins has served on the Science & Engineering Curriculum and Review Committee at the University of Minnesota and six years as president of the Friends of Willow River and Kinnickinnic State Parks. Collins was first elected to SCEC board of directors in 2020 and has served as a board member for three years and is currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer.
Why should District 3 members vote for you?
“I am committed to openness and member involvement, and I have the knowledge and experience to help develop a forward-looking strategy for our cooperative that will serve members well for the next 20 years and more.”
“If re-elected, I would consider my service on the Board of Directors to be successful if …
…our cooperative continues to grow and improve, maintaining high quality service at a reasonable cost, while dealing with increasing load due to growth in membership and new loads such as heat pumps and electric vehicles, and while addressing the sustainability challenge we all face in ways that make our members better off.”
What skills, ideas or knowledge have you used or would you use to positively impact the operations of the Cooperative?
My educational and professional background includes engineering, mathematics, computer science, economics, business and teaching. I have detailed knowledge of power system economics and markets in both North America and Europe. I have published research in artificial intelligence, operations research, information systems, software engineering and energy economics. I have developed and taught courses in software design and development that have been popular with students. I have successfully led teams and organizations in industry and academia, developed, defended and managed budgets, mentored and managed personnel. I have worked closely with colleagues and students around the world on cutting-edge research.
Describe one occasion when you worked on a committee or board to solve a problem or implement a change/new program:
When I took over the professional masters program at the University in 2004, it was top-heavy with administration and marketing and financially precarious. I reorganized the program, eliminating 95% of marketing and half the administration costs. The program became stronger and more popular, and continues to this day.
In your opinion what are the two biggest challenges currently facing St. Croix Electric Cooperative?
The electric utility industry is changing, and St. Croix County is growing. Inflation is increasing our costs. New communication and automation options offer opportunities for better communication with members and for improved service. The need to reduce carbon emissions from generation, transport and indoor climate control creates new opportunities, and challenges existing financial and operational models at all levels in the utility industry.
District 3 Candidate
SCEC Member: 43 Years
Hudson Township
Board candidate Mark Dolan and his wife Adele have lived in the Hudson area for 43 years, where they raised four children. Dolan attended River Falls High School and graduated from UW-River Falls with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. He went on to earn a degree in Chemical Engineering from Iowa State, a Master of Materials Science and Engineering from St. Thomas and a Master of Science – Engineering at UW-Madison. Dolan was employed at 3M for 47 years where he used his education in engineering to design, fabricate and debug special capital engineering projects. He has served as a United Methodist Church Trustee, 4H project leader and 3M EMTO.
Why should District 3 members vote for you?
“I am talented, practical and safety conscious.”
“If elected, I would consider my service on the Board of Directors to be successful if …
… I have a positive effect on the supply of energy to rural America.”
What skills, ideas or knowledge have you used or would you use to positively impact the operations of the Cooperative?
I can help with technical challenges, labor issues, wages and equipment. Support the installation, funding and cost structure for alternate energy sources.
Describe one occasion when you worked on a committee or board to solve a problem or implement a change/new program:
Development of waste water chemistry for bio-pharmacy products.
In your opinion what are the two biggest challenges currently facing St. Croix Electric Cooperative?
Managing growth of new customers and protection of hardware from environmental damage.