Why FirstCall?
No Contract:
Equipment is leased to customer.
Quick Installation:
Call today, have your equipment in place within days!
Affordable: (prices include tax)
Basic (requires landline):
$25 Installation (one-time)
$27.50 Monthly Fee
Options (in addition to basic prices):
Fall Detection: $3.70/month
Wireless/cellular: $16.35/month
+ $15.83 one-time connection fee
Personal In-home Service:
All trouble-shooting, testing and replacements
at no additional charge!
FirstCall FAQ
FirstCall Medical Monitoring is a system that is installed in a home to give peace of mind to individuals and their families, and helps promote independent living. The FirstCall Medical Monitoring system includes a console and pendant worn either on the wrist or lanyard by the customer. If the customer needs assistance as a result of a fall or feeling unwell, they can push the button on the pendant to initiate a call to the Cooperative Response Center (CRC). The console is equipped with sophisticated two-way voice technology which allows the central station operator to assess the situation and contact a pre-determined individual to go to the customer’s home. Professional, SIA trained central station operators are available in Austin, Minn., at all times.
The consoles connect to a landline, which allows a call to be initiated. For a little higher monthly fee, a Telguard system can be installed, which works via cellular service in the event a landline is not available in the home. Monthly fees for the FirstCall Medical Monitoring system cover the cost to lease the console and waterproof pendant.
There are a variety of options. There is no contract required for FirstCall Medical Monitoring customers. Equipment is leased to the customer until the lease is terminated. All prices below include tax. System installation can be taken care of within a matter of days after contacting the office.
Installation ................................................................... $25.00
Monthly fee ................................................................... $27.50
Fall detection ................................................................ add $3.70/mo.
Wireless/cellular options available. Prices below include tax and are in addition to the base pricing above:
Connection fee ............................................................. $15.83 Monthly
Telguard cellular fee .................................... $16.35
If the button is accidentally pushed or bumped, DO NOT rush to the FirstCall Medical Monitoring console in an attempt to cancel the call. A real emergency situation could arise if you fall. Wait for the central station operator to answer and they will cancel and reset the console after confirming there is not an emergency situation.
No. A customer is never charged for pushing the button. Customers will also be asked to push the button to conduct a monthly test, ensuring the system is working properly
The pendant can be up to 150 feet away from the console and still activate a call. If a customer is outside, but close to the home, the pendant may still be able to activate a call, but the central station operator would not be able to communicate with the customer unless a window or door was open. Depending on the type of building materials utilized in the home, the reach of the pendant may be less. When the system is set up, the customer service representative from St. Croix Electric Cooperative will work with the customer to establish areas of the home where the pendant will be able to activate a call.
No. The pendant only works within the 150 feet or less radius from the console.
In St. Croix County, Wisconsin, and surrounding counties (Polk, Dunn, Pierce), FirstCall Medical Monitoring is managed by St. Croix Electric Cooperative (1925 Ridgeway St., Hammond, Wis.). Call 800-924-3407, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., to speak to a representative at the Cooperative who will be able to answer your questions and set up a time to install the system. In most cases, installation can happen within a couple of days of placing the phone call.
Peace of mind is just a phone call away: 715-796-7000 or 800-924-3407.